Friday, October 5, 2007

Cosmic rules and stuff

“When you have the will and determination to achieve something, the entire universe conspires to help you achieve it”
Chinese Proverb

I’ve always found Chinese a fascinating race. I mean, look at them. These guys have some 3000 years of civilization behind them and have some really amazing art forms (ever seen Tai Chi being practiced?) which guarantee to be transcendental experiences, all in all. The Chinese kids are as cute as button, and have really cool names, that leave most of us normal souls boggled(dropping babies et al..sic..). Their script resembles something I would have drawn when I was 5. Damn, I should have learnt Chinese, I would have had people quoting me and read it out from their fortune cookies!!! Anyway, I digress. While it’s been established that I love Chinese, and their culture, I do have a grouse against this particular proverb. Maybe the guy was zonked when he doled out this little piece of advice, or maybe he was being plain sarcastic. We’ll never know. In my experience, this NEVER works that way. Picture this;

1 month away from the dreaded placements:

Sitting in coffee-shop(where else?), coffee beans realizes, that maybe she didn’t put in as much effort in her studies as she should have been these 1 year or so. So, coffee beans all charged up with this new ‘enlightenment’ of sorts, decides to set a regimented routine to put in few hours of solid course-work everyday. Coffee beans goes about it methodically. Gets the notes, the books, and the references in order.

19:00 hours that evening:

Coffee beans flips open her laptop to read about the US subprime markes, and the lappie beeps. Coffee beans gets out the charger from the bag and as she heads close to the plug-point. The light goes off. The watchman informs that the transformer blew up, and electricity won’t be back until morning. Oh well, shrugs coffee beans and hits the sack.

10:00 am next morning:

The lights are back…Mercifully. Coffee beans flips open the the laptop, and this time, with the charger in place. Booting..booting..booting….login. And we’r ready to go. Hmmmm...Aha…The much maligned Asset Backed Securities. Suddenly, an unfamiliar sound creeps up in the room. And it’s getting louder. Someone laughing. Coffee beans's eyes widen in realization. A small voice rings in coffee bean’s head; “Oh, no. The screaming banshees, err… thy roommates are back after a vacation of 20 days.” Coffee beans philosophically closes the laptop bids peace and quiet adieu, gets up and walks to the door with a resigned smile.

10:00 am next– to-next morning:

New day beginneth. Round 3. The referee blows the whistle and GO! Coffee beans rushes to her laptop, opens it up, urging it to boot faster with impatient eyes. An unfamiliar message pops up on the screen on login. Forehead wrinkled with irritation, coffee beans, clicks on OK. Suddenly, the screen goes blank. “What the…Hmmm” Massaging her forehead, coffee beans looks in dismay as her entire system crashes.
At night, holding on tightly a coffee mug(what else?? Haven’t u got a clue till now?) in both her hands, like a lifeline, coffee beans stands on the terrace and stares at the star-studded sky and wonders about how it all began? Sipping her coffee as if it’s an elixir and might provide her with new lease of life… Was she wrong in setting herself such ‘high’ goals? Was it too gullible of her to hope that all her stuff will work perfectly at the same precise moment?? Or maybe she’s too stuck up… Meanwhile, the pole star winks at coffee beans as she sighs and shrugs…
"I’l not think about it now, tomorrow is yet another day"

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